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l e a r n i n g b y s e w i n g
"It is never too late to change path"
One of the main reasons why I decided to move back from Berlin to Vienna was, because I wanted to change course.
During my job in Berlin as a Graphic Designer I had to admit, that my real passion in actual fact always was fashion design. I just had to find a way to in order to follow my path and reskill. Michelbeuern school of fashion in Vienna made it possible that I manage to finish my dimploma in 2 instead of 5 year. I gained experience in the sewing craft. Both, hand and manufacturing. Further on, I'm more than greatful to acquired business adminsitration,managaement & accounting skill. At the same time, it was enable to delvelop my illustration skills, by hand and digital. This gave me the opportunity to work, plan and achieve my very own collection, which I'm pleased with. The school of fashion allowed me to win vital knowledge about textiltechnology, the science of fibre as much as basic drape skills on female mannequins.
At Michelbeuern we had one of the most excelent technicians, tutors and designers who had job-related teaching skills and the university facilites are classified at highest standard.
Altogether, it was a brilliant balanced mixed of sewing and drawing in our workshop-areas and studios as much as gaining basic economic know-how, for which I was truly greatful.