o v e r v i e w
Kalender / Availability:
ENGLISH - 3h together and 2h online shopping for you by your styling coach
DEUTSCH - 3h zusammen und 2h online Einkauf ohne Anwesenheit es Kunden

Kristin Verita Katzer MA
+43(0)660 126 01 70
Fashion Styling:
Design work:
As an international fashion designer and freelance stylist, Kristin is familiar with cuts, fabrics and color combinations. Her many years of know-how, talent and training in the field of fashion make it possible for Kristin to respond to individual wishes depending on the situation and to achieve suitable results flexibly with existing clothing.
Als internationale Modedesignerin und selbstständige Stylistin kennt sich Kristin mit Schnitten, Stoffen und Farbkombinationen aus. Ihr jahrelanges Know-How, Talent und Training im Modebereich macht es Kristin möglich Situationsbedingt auf individuelle Wünsche einzugehen und flexibel mit vorhandenen Kleidungsstücken passende Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
Work Experience
Jan 2020 - Present
Feb 2022 - Present
March - Sep 2021
2016 - Feb 2021
Dec 2018 - Oct. 2019
Moved from Sydney to Berlin - Self employed Fashion & Design Creative
Galeries Lafayette Fashion Stylist / Part-time
Freelance Art Director & Graphic Designer for Human Centric Innovators based in Munich.
★ From ideas to scribbles/sketches
★ From scribbles/sketches to prototypes & project management
★ From project management to >>> Make it happen!
Red Bull's Fashion Label:
Alpha Tauri Freelance Accessories Designer
Freelance prototype designer: Interface between technology and the wolrd of fashion for the Red Bull Media House Headquarter
Fashion Stylist & Personal Shopping at PRADA Australia Group (One year restricted Visa)
Further insight, please get in touch.
Sep. 2017 - July 2018
Sep- 2014 - July 2017
Sep. 2011 - Jury 2012
Sep.2008 - July 2011
Sep. 2003 - July 2007
Fashion Diploma: Men‘s tailoring at the Viennese school of Fashion / HLMW9 Michelbeuern
Female Fashion Design-Diploma at he Viennese school of
Fashion / HLMW9 Michelbeuern
Graphic Design School Ortweinschule / Graz Austria